Kamis, 03 September 2015

Universitas Muhamadiyah Malang

Universitas Muhamadiyah Malang

    Malang Muhammadiyah University ( umm ) is Private universities accredited A, having three campus that centered at 3rd campus in a highway tlogomas 246 Malang city , East Java .
    Malang Muhammadiyah Universit y is the great universities in indonesia especially in east java, progress is very fast with luxurious buildings. The quality of education the faculty of all these very good. Campus environment that was cool and beautiful render balmy in learning , as well as islamic a mood that make poise and inner peace . I am interested and choose the faculty of medicine of because of good accreditation and already has hospital alone to enable when lab work later on . Truly, I proud of UMM , because UMM is a islamic education capable of competing to educational institution christian and  educational institutions governments . I hope UMM growing in the future.

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